How do I apply for 金融 aid?
By completing the Georgetown College application and being admitted, you are eligible to receive 金融 aid from the College. If you are interested in any 需要-based aid (federal, 状态, and additional college aid), you will 需要 to file a FAFSA (http://studentaid.Administration /).

If you are looking for additional scholarships, please 检查 with your high school guidance counselor, 或者你可以查看乔治敦学院的外部奖学金链接( It is important to remember never pay for an outside scholarship.



What is the FAFSA (Free Application of Federal Student 援助) form?
To apply for federal 学生 aid, such as federal grants, 勤工助学, 和贷款, 你需要填写联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)表格. 填写和提交FAFSA表格是免费的,比以往任何时候都更容易, 它还为学生提供了最大的经济援助来源,帮助他们支付大学学费.

该网站现在与智能手机或平板电脑等移动设备兼容, making it even easier for the 学生 to complete. FAFSA申请将于2018年夏末推出一个移动应用程序.

除了, many 状态s and colleges use your FAFSA information to determine your eligibility for 状态 and school aid. 另外, some private 金融 aid providers may use your FAFSA information to determine whether you qualify for their aid.

10月1日是FAFSA可以完成的日期. Be sure to file your FAFSA as quickly as possible beginning October 1st to ensure that you will receive as much federal funded 金融 aid as possible.



What does the cost of attendance (COA) mean?
Your COA is the amount it will cost you to go to school. 在申请任何经济援助之前,你的COA包括学费、食宿费和其他费用. Georgetown College will calculate your COA to show your total cost for the school year (for instance, for the fall semester plus the spring semester). Your COA is subject to change each academic year. 本质上, your COA is your budget for the year and is used to determine the 金融 aid you are eligible to receive.



What is the Expected Family Contribution?
Your EFC is a calculated number that college 金融 aid staff use to determine how much 金融 aid you would receive if you were to attend their school. 您在FAFSA上报告的信息用于计算您的EFC.

The EFC is calculated according to a formula established by law. Your families taxed and untaxed income, 资产, 和福利(如失业或社会保障)都可以在公式中考虑. Also considered are your family size and the number of family members who will attend college or career school during your filing year.



What information do I 需要 to be able to file a FAFSA?
FAFSA的问题会询问你的信息(你的姓名、出生日期、地址等).) and about your 金融 situation. Depending on your circumstances (for instance, whether you’re a U.S. 公民 or what tax form you used), you may be required to provide the following information or documents as you fill out the FAFSA:

  • 你的社会安全号码(在FAFSA表格上输入正确是很重要的!)
  • 如果你是一个独立的学生,你父母的社会安全号码
  • Your driver’s license number if you have one
  • Your Alien Registration number if you are not a U.S. 公民
  • -联邦税务信息或纳税申报表,包括IRS W-2信息, 为你 (and your spouse, 如果你已婚的话), and 为你r 家长s, if you are a 依赖学生:
  • IRS 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ
  • 国外纳税申报单
  • Tax return for Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. 维尔京群岛、马绍尔群岛、密克罗尼西亚联邦或帕劳
  • Records of your untaxed income, such as child support received, 利息收入, and veteran’s non-education benefits, 为你, and 为你r 家长s if you are a 依赖学生
  • Information on cash; savings and 检查ing account balances; investments, including stocks and bonds and real e状态 (but not including the home in which you live); and business and farm 资产 为你, and 为你r 家长s if you are a 依赖学生



What do I do if I’m told I’ve been selected for verification?
You might see a note on your Student 援助 Report saying you have been selected for verification; or the Office of Student 财务规划 might contact you to inform you that you have been selected. Verification is the process Georgetown College uses to confirm that the data reported on your FAFSA形式 is accurate. 通常, the Department of Education determines which 学生 the Office of Student 财务规划 is required to verify. The Office of 财务规划 has the authority to contact you for documentation that supports the information you reported.

如果你被选中进行验证,不要认为你被指控做错了什么. Some people are selected at random. All you 需要 to do is provide the documentation the 财务规划 Office asks for—and be sure to do so by the time the semester begins, otherwise you won’t be able to receive 金融 aid.

If you used the Internal Revenue 服务 Data Retrieval Tool (IRS DRT) when filling out your FAFSA形式, you may not have to verify that information. If you didn’t use the IRS DRT, or if you filed an amended tax return and used the IRS DRT, 你的学校可能会要求你提交一份税务记录作为验证过程的一部分. 你可以通过美国国税局的获取记录服务找到你的税务记录 国税局.政府 /individuals/get-transcript.



Will my 金融 aid package change each year?
Federal and State funded aid can change from year to year. 补贴贷款金额和基于需求的援助每年可根据EFC变化. 除非你在学校的地位改变,否则择优奖学金不应该改变, 例如, if you fall behind on hours, 平均绩点, 生活状况, 等.

You will be made aware of any changes between academic years when you receive your Financial 援助 Award Letter each year.



The college can consider a current 金融 situation through a process called professional judgment. Professional Judgment refers to the authority of a school's 金融 aid administrator to adjust the data elements on the FAFSA and/or to override a 学生's dependency status. 通常, 根据具体情况,还需要提供其他文件, the Student 财务规划 Office will determine what documents are 需要ed to complete the process. Once a professional judgment is completed, the 金融 aid administrator will then determine if the 学生 qualifies for additional 金融 aid.



Whichever 家长 a 学生 spends 51% of their time living with, will be the 家长 listed on the FAFSA.



直接补贴贷款的条件稍好一些,可以帮助学生 金融 需要.

直接 补贴 贷款:

  • 直接 补贴 Loans are available to undergraduate 学生s with 财务需要.
  • 根据学时和需要,学院决定你有资格借款的金额.
  • 美国.S. 教育部支付直接补贴贷款的利息
    • While you’re in school at least half-time,
    • 你离开学校后的前六个月(称为宽限期),以及
    • During a period of deferment (a postponement of loan payments).

Note: When a 学生 graduates or falls below half-time, 贷款将在6个月的本金宽限期后开始偿还.


直接 未受资助的 贷款:

  • 直接 未受资助的 Loans are available to undergraduate and graduate 学生s; there is no requirement to demonstrate 财务需要.
  • The college determines the amount you can borrow based on your cost of attendance and other 金融 aid you receive.
  • 您有责任在所有期间支付直接无补贴贷款的利息.
  • If you choose not to pay the interest while you are in school and during grace periods and deferment or forbearance periods, your interest will accrue (accumulate) and be capitalized (that is, your interest will be added to the principal amount of your loan).




How much can I borrow?
The college determines the loan type(s), 如果有任何, 以及你每学年有资格获得的实际贷款金额. 然而, there are limits on the amount in subsidized and unsubsidized loans that you may be eligible to receive each academic year (annual loan limits) and the total amounts that you may borrow for undergraduate and graduate study (aggregate loan limits). The actual loan amount you are eligible to receive each academic year may be less than the annual loan limit. These limits vary depending on

  • 获得的学时
  • 依赖 or 独立的 学生.

如果你是 依赖学生 whose 家长s are ineligible for a 直接加成贷款 (学生 /sa/types/loans/plus),你可能会获得额外的直接无补贴贷款资金.


Annual and aggregate limits for subsidized and unsubsidized loans



How do I apply for a Federal 直接 Loan?
You must f国税局t complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA®) form (学生 / sa / fafsa). The college will use the information from your FAFSA形式 to determine how much 学生 aid you are eligible to receive. 直接 Loans are generally included as part of your 金融 aid package.

If your 金融 aid package includes federal 学生 loans, 你需要通过签署和接受你的经济援助奖励信来“接受”贷款.


入学辅导和主本票都可以在这里完成 热门产品.政府 /my直接Loan/index.行动.



Federal 直接 家长 PLUS Loan

What is a 直接加成贷款 for 家长s?
直接加成贷款s are loans available to 家长s of dependent undergraduate 学生s to help pay for educational expenses up to the cost of attendance minus all other 金融 assistance. Interest is charged during all periods.

家长s completing an electronic PLUS MPN or applying for a PLUS loan must use their own FSA ID, and not their child's FSA ID.



You may either obtain an 背书人 (热门产品.政府 /my直接Loan/index.行动), or you may choose to document to the satisf行动 of the U.S. Department of Education that there are extenuating circumstances related to your adverse credit history. Once either of these courses of 行动 has been completed, 然后你的父母将被要求完成PLUS信用咨询 热门产品.政府 (热门产品.政府 /my直接Loan/index.行动).

Contact the Student 财务规划 Office as soon as possible to let them know whether you plan to pursue a 直接加成贷款 by obtaining an 背书人 or submitting documentation of extenuating circumstances.

If you decide not to pursue a 直接加成贷款, the school's 金融 aid administrator may be able to provide information concerning other options to assist you with paying 为你r or the 学生's education.

If your 家长 is declined the 直接加成贷款, you may be eligible for additional unsubsidized loan funds.



How does my 家长 apply for the 直接加成贷款?
F国税局t-time borrowers must submit a Master Promissory Note (MPN), but every year a 家长 would like to utilize the 直接加成贷款, they must apply for the loan. You can complete both the MPN and apply for a PLUS loan at 热门产品.政府 /my直接Loan/index.行动

家长s completing an electronic PLUS MPN or applying for a PLUS loan must use their own FSA ID and not their child's FSA ID. 确保 家长 is listed as the borrower, and not the 学生.

Approval for the 直接加成贷款 is credit-based, 申请人在完成申请后会立即作出决定. 无论学分决定如何,申请必须在每学年完成.



What are the options for paying for tuition?
Students may choose to pay their tuition per semester with a 检查 or credit card to our Office of 学生账户 (502-863-8700).

学生也可以选择参加通过网站提供的每月付款计划 Tuition Management Systems. We suggest that 学生s contact the Business Office before setting up the monthly payments to get the total amount due. Students can enroll in the payment plan by going to



Is a private 学生 loan an option?
The college accepts private 学生 loans as an option to cover any balance and 学生 expenses. 这些贷款以信用为基础,可以学生或家长的名义申请. 如果贷款是以学生的名义申请的,学生通常需要一个共同签署人.

Private loans must be applied for each academic year. 私人父母贷款可以以父母的名义或任何愿意偿还贷款的人的名义. The applicant can be a 家长, grand家长, family friend, 等. as long as the applicant’s credit is approved.

For further information about receiving 金融 aid from Georgetown College, please visit our 财务规划 section.



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